Poland, Lublin, Szczerbowskiego 5/1

tel. +48 81 532 53 65


e-mail: wdowiakartur@gmail.com

Project partner


DIAGNOSTYKA - Laboratoria Medyczne - Reklama

DIAGNOSTYKA - Bank Komórek Macierzystych - Reklama



Publishing House

Publishing House

European Journal of Medical Technologies (EJMT) is a quarterly journal published since 2013 by International Scientific Association for the Support and Development of Medical Technologies.

The non-profit peer-reviewed open access European Journal of Medical Technologies ISSN: 2353-1029 is started with a mission to:

Offer a platform for the dissemination of knowledge about medical technologies.

Encourage contribution to Research in Medical Technologies for achieving better health and disease-free living for all.

Objective evaluation of medical technologies regarding their safety and performance, its impact on clinical and non-clinical patient outcomes as well as its interactive effects on economical, organizational, social, juridical and ethical aspects of healthcare.

Encourage and motivate researchers in challenging areas of Life Sciences , BioEngineering, BioEthics, BioMedical Engineering, BioTechnology, Medical Informatics, Medicine, Medical Sciences, Pharmacy and all areas of Allied Health Sciences, Management, Technology, Law and Public Health and BioEntrepreneurship & BioMarketing and Remote Sensing; BioMetrics and Forensics within the scope of Life Sciences.

Authors publishing in European Journal of Medical Technologies receive 7 points.

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